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Coffee Bar

Coffee Bar 1

See, I grew up hearing about cowboy coffee.  My grandpa told me the best cup of coffee a man could ever have was made over a camp fire... First you bring a big pot of water to a boil, dump in your coffee grounds - slowly - or you'll be wearin’ your coffee on your boots, and as much as you can spare – “cause weak coffee isn't worth drinkin”’. Then you simmer it ‘till it's just right. When you've got yourself a pot of perfect cowboy coffee, you can either add a cup of cold water to make the grounds sink or add a pinch of salt, which will do the same thing.  Plus, some cowboys say tiny bit of salt brings out the flavor of the coffee... Watch out for that tin cup, though - it's gonna be hot!  Then later in life, my daughter's grandfather (my dear father-in-law) made that very same coffee on my own kitchen stove in the absence of a campfire.  Good times and fond memories...

Well, here we are in a more modern landscape and the way we drink coffee has certainly changed...  There wasn't any cream on that chuck wagon and the only sugar you'd find was for Cookie's cobbler and you'd better not even think of puttin’ any of it in your coffee :)  Here at the GiddYup & Go we have a delicious variety of sweet syrups to make your coffee just the way you like it.  You'll also find the best iced coffees and frappuccinos this side of the Great Divide!

... I'd like a triple shot half-caff skim no foam, please... Well, we call that a skinny Annie Oakley at the GiddYup & Go Coffee Bar where cowboy coffee lives on - without the grounds, that is.  Belly up to the bar and order yourself a Wild Bill Hickok (cafe mocha) or a Jesse James (cappuccino) or a Sundance Kid (traditional chai tea).  If you're really feeling tough, you can even get a Clint Eastwood - an espresso shot - we call it "coffee with muscle".   

Welcome to Pine Country and the GiddYup & Go Coffee Bar!  What may we make for you today?